Software Installation

MERIT will install basic productivity and security software, and install or assist with installing special title requests.  There are a wide range of software titles available for installation on University owned computers, including Microsoft Windows and Office, Adobe software, and anti-virus software.

Available to

  • UW-Madison School of Education faculty and staff
  • University-owned School of Education PA, TA, or student hourly or production shared use computers


  • Full support – University-owned computer, less than three years old, with full warranties in place
  • Limited support – University-owned computer, original purchase date between 3 and 7 years ago; PA, TA, or student hourly or production shared use computers
  • No support – University-owned computer, original purchase date 7 or more years ago; computers that no longer comply with the UW-Madison Policy on Electronic Devices Connected to the UW-Madison Network; computer purchases with personal funds; computers managed by WCER Technical Services


  • Subject to MERIT’s Computer Support Policy
  • Computer with full support – up to 4 hours of troubleshooting prior to wiping and re-imaging system with data restored, if possible
  • Computer with limited support – up to 1 hour of troubleshooting prior to wiping and re-imaging system with data restored, if possible


  • Costs for software requiring standalone or individual licenses will be paid by the department

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